Hey! How do your dishes look?

Your dishwasher is (probably) not broken!

In late 2010 many state governments passed laws that required changes to our dishwasher detergent. The new law required manufacturers to remove all phosphate from dishwasher detergent.

This change is probably good for our waterways and oceans because phosphate is thought to cause algae blooms. But if you live in a region with hard water, the change is bad for your dishes.

Hard water deposits on your dishes are not dangerous, but they look terrible. Phosphate was the ingredient that cleaned the deposits – now that phosphate is gone, cloudy dishes are here instead!

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CitriClean was designed to work with your detergent to remove hard water deposits from your dishes.

Our R&D team worked with chemists and dishwasher experts to create a product that solves a daily problem for millions of Americans. CitriClean is all natural, consists of only food-grade ingredients, and contains no phosphate, chlorine, or bleach.

And it works great!

Are You In A Hard Water State?



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When you buy CitriClean you will…

  • Clean the cloudy white film off your dishes! CitriClean is so easy to use: just add about 1½ tablespoons to your normal detergent and run your dishwasher on the hot water setting.

  • Clean the inside of your dishwasher – hard water deposits can also make the inside of your dishwasher look dull and dingy. While cleaning your dishes, CitriClean will clean the inside of your dishwasher too. Even better, if you have hard water deposits that are clogging your sprayer arm or your drain, CitriClean will clear those blockages!

  • Reduce the amount of plastic that goes into America’s landfills – at CitriClean, we use unusual packaging. Our product is packaged in re-claimed water bottles. We gather them from the schools, beaches, and parks of Florida, clean them, and fill them with CitriClean. We are doing our part to reduce the usage of fuel and plastic.

  • Save money on dishwashing – Using CitriClean will help you save money in two ways. First, CitriClean works great with generic or store brand powdered detergent. No need to buy expensive detergent anymore. Second, you can use less detergent with each wash. Most customers get great results with 1½ tablespoons of CitriClean and 1½ tablespoons of powdered detergent.

  • Become famous for being the best cook in your neighborhood – nobody wants to eat a meal on cloudy dishes! When your family and friends see your sparkly clean dishes, they will also think your food tastes better!

  • Look ten years younger – still testing this theory in the CitriClean laboratories….any customer testimonials gladly accepted.

Warning – the last two benefits might be an exaggeration.